The cornerstone of our quality
Animal feed is the most important factor for their proper development, health, welfare and meat quality. For this reason, at Jisap we have our own feed development and manufacturing facilities, as well as an exhaustive quality process which controls each of the formulas that we develop.

We strategically develop formulas to reduce emissions and therefore the impact of our activity. Feed is a highly influential factor in the sustainability of the sector. Thanks to the research and field trials carried out in our experimental farms, we are able to develop highly efficient performance diets, using raw materials which respect the soil and reducing phosphorus and nitrogen emissions as much as possible.



Having 4 feed production facilities located in Toledo, Murcia and Jaén from which all our farms and similarly our customers are supplied feed.
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We develop feed based on a cereal diet with leguminous plants as protagonists.


Having a complex traceability system which is possible thanks to the high level of technology in our factories.
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Our formulas are developed to reduce emissions. Thanks to optimum use diets, we are more sustainable.